Re: [Evolution] 1.0 Configuration incompatability help

I just upgraded from RC2 to 1.0 and the executive summary crashes 
immediately every time.  By moving my old evolution directory out of the 
way and starting fresh, the summary seems to fire up just fine.  *But* I 
would rather not go through the hassle of re-creating ALL of my 
SPAM/Maiing list/family folders/filters/rules.  Can someone point out the 
relevant section of what file from the original config to change so I can 
use my old tree?  Or, just tell me what files/directories need to be 
copied over for that to work.
  It would be useful to figure out what causes the crash first.  Can you please submit a stack trace into the Bugzilla and give us the bug number?

  Besides that, you should be able to re-create your mail folder set-up by copying everything from ~/evolution/local, as well as ~/evolution/vfolders.xml and ~/evolution/filters.xml .


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