Re: [Evolution] Does Evolution support spell checking?

Kind of curious, but, uh, can you compile it and then build it into an
RPM from the cvs source?


On Sun, 2001-08-26 at 20:20, Thomas Mailund wrote:
On Mon, 2001-08-27 at 12:58, Randolph S. Kahle wrote:
Does Evolution support spell checking of composed email?

From the evolution FAQ:

 10   Can Evolution spell-check messages while I compose them?
    Q.: Some word processors and other email clients have the ability to
automatically spell check words as I type them. Can Evolution do

    A.: Yes. The Evolution composer is able to highlight mis-spelled
        word on the fly as you type them, and also give you suggestions
        for possible corrections. In order for this to work you need the
        gnome-spell component, which is not shipped with Ximian GNOME

        If you are brave enough, you can check out module gnome-spell
        from the GNOME CVS and compile it yourself. Check out its README
        file for a list of gnome-spell's requirements for compilation.

        Note that you don't need to recompile Evolution after installing
        gnome-spell; it will be picked up automatically.


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