Re: [Evolution] pgp multipart mime-type

On 17 Aug 2001, Simon wrote:
why not make "ascii-armored pgp output" embedding in the body of the
email, an option, as well as multipart being optional?

Because this is wrong, for the reasons outlined above.

Unless you stick to the standard, you have no way to ensure that your code
does what it's supposed to.  Like trying to encrypt and decrypt then show
still-encrypted data and crashing.  According to the standard, this should
never happen.  If you make things "convenient", you introduce bugs,
problems, and errors that were not anticipated, and can not be prevented,
only fixed, and only after some odd alignment of planetary bodies causes
the condition that will create the problem.

And there already is an "ascii-armored pgp output" option.  It's "view
source" or "save" then pipe to pgp :)


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