Re: [Evolution] EAddress conduit compile breakage

On 09 Aug 2001 22:35:31 -0600, Dan Hensley wrote:
I submitted a bug about it a few days ago (#6498), but I was wondering
if this was also broken for the developers as well.  Basically the
conduit does not link to all the necessary libraries, so you cannot
enable it in control center.

I was able to get it to work, but it was a real hassle trying to hack
the Makefile to add the right libraries.  I also wasn't able to
participate in #evobugs today to ask about it.

Another reason I'm asking is because the first time I tried it I think I
ran across some bugs with the conduit itself, and I want to try to track
those down.


So, Dan, leaving open the question of whether it works perfectly, how
did you get it to work at all?

Enquiring minds want to know!


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