[Evolution] ldap write access

Hi all

Just a short question.

I am running evo 0.12 and thought I'd try out the ldap-support.  I got full access to bigfoot so ldap is working.  I then set up my own ldap-server and tried it.  Worked great for read only mode.  I tried to set the bind-dn and I get asked for a password, and I can do searches in the database but I cannot save anything.  Whenever I click Save and Close I either get an error message (sorry.. can remember it now.. but nothing usefull) or the window simply closes but no change was made, or the window just stays there and I get no error message.

Is write-access for ldap supposted to work???

Erik Bågfors               | erik bagfors nu
Supporter of free software | GSM +46 733 279 273
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