Re: [Evolution] Backing up/transferring Evolution data

On 03 Aug 2001 10:19:11 +0100, Martyn Drake wrote:

If I make a backup of my /home/xxx/evolution directory and transfer it
to another machine will ALL the settings and configuration be
transferred?  More importantly, will Evolution on the new machine
remember what mail was retrieved last so that I don't have to redownload
all the mail from my mail server again?

I just want to make sure that I can keep a series of backups of my data
and restore it, if necessary, from the exact same point without having
to set everything up again.

That's what I've done myself sometimes, and I don't remember losing any configuration
when using it in another machine. So, yes, it should work.


Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org> - <rodrigo ximian com> -

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