Re: [Evolution] Evolution 0.5.1 is still profoundly unstable on my system

Dan Sinclair wrote:

I don't know if this will help, but I noticed that the error says locale
not supported.
if you are using the gdm login, I believe ( haven't checked in a few
weeks ) that the default locale option does not work.  You could try
setting your locale manually and then try to run evolution.  You can do
this upon logging in by selecting Language-> whatever then have it set
that as the default, but I don't remember how to set this in a terminal

Actually, I've tried about everything here.  I am using gdm 2.0beta 4, and I tried setting
the language to English (from null).  That didn't work.  I've also tried explicitly setting
LANGUAGE, LANG, and LC_ALL to en, en_US, and null.  I always get those locale messages.  I
also checked /usr/share/locale, and I've got both en and en_US directories.  So I just gave
up and live with the error messages.  I just left it at explicitly defining the variables to
null, otherwise I get the warning message from Perl every time I try to compile anything.

But enough about that.  I doubt that this could be the problem with evolution.  I had no
trouble at all with this in 0.4.1.  If I launch evolution now, I can kill it just by going
into Control Panel, Theme Selector, clicking on a custom font, and hitting Ok.  So I'm sure
that all the instability I'm seeing is due to something along the lines of the theme problem
in 0.5.0 that just hasn't been fixed yet.


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