[Evolution] Alternate ports for POP

From home I regularly connect to the network at work by using
ssh to get through the firewall. And to provide some security.
To get email, I typically use ssh's -L option to specify a 
forwarded IP port for the popmail server. So the command looks
something like: 

  ssh -L 5110:popmail_host:110 firewall_host

And then in Netscape I specify the mail host as localhost:5110.
I'm then able to read my work email from home. Yea!

I'd like to move away from Netscape as my email reader since
it's not all that good. And one of the obvious alternatives is
Evolution. Having followed the mailing list for a while, it 
looks like Evolution is good enough for someone like me to 
begin working with it. 

However, I haven't been able to figure out how to specify an
alternative port for the popmail server in Evolution. Can anyone
out there help? Or suggest any alternatives?


Peter Kropf
2475 Augustine Drive, Suite 102
Santa Clara, CA 95054
408-919-3107; Fax 408-969-0688
peter verecomm com

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