Re: [Evolution] one request or two

1. I'd like evolution to not say "There is no new mail at pop://whatnot mail server com "

I'm actually glad it doesn't do that anymore.  Howabout an option for this instead.

2. I'd like evolution to check for mail say every 10 mins? or am I asking too much?

I use fetchmail for this functionality among others.  I also think that is the better way to go IMHO :)

3. a side note: new mail is downloaded and first message is marked as read even though I have not read it 
or even looked in the folder where the filter put it.

I agree.  This does get a bit aggrivating now that I notice it.

Sejal Patel (spatel agency com)
Technical Consultant : Atlanta

"I can call spirits from the vasty deep. Why so can I, or so can any man,
but will they come when you do call for them?"
                                Shakespeare, King Henry IV, Part I

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