[Evolution] go-gnome problems

Hi all,

I've been watching the list for a while and decided to try Evolution
out.  I followed the web pages instructions and all I got what this:

cullis:~ # lynx -source http://go-gnome.com/ | sh
go-gnome: 1.5.3 (Wed Oct 11 13:22:20 EDT 2000)
==> Autodetecting system type...
==> Checking $DISPLAY and X permissions

The Helix GNOME Installer is a graphical application, and
either you have no DISPLAY variable set or the root user does
have permission to access your X server. Run xhost +localhost
before becoming root, and make sure that the DISPLAY variable is
set correctly before running the go-gnome script.

cullis:~ # 

I went to my login and typed the  xhost +localhost and got this:

kevin cullis:~ > xhost +localhost
localhost being added to access control list
kevin cullis:~ > 

then proceeded to su and the firs part is what I got. I'm running SuSe
6.4. Any suggestions?  I'm new to doing this stuff.


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