[Evolution] feature suggestions for the calendar

For 2.5 years, I was forced against my will to work on a W95 box to use a
mail/calendar system named GroupWise, which I nicknamed GroupWoes.  I
hated its handling of mail, but thought it had some very nice calendar

The task items are date-specific.  It seems to keep track of the date the
task was assigned and the date is is due.  Both seem to default to the
the date under which you entered the task.  Not all tasks show up at once
as is the case now in evolution and in gnomecal.  The task shows up in the task
list whenever you are viewing a date within the assignment and due date range.
The task is carried forward (visible) after the due date if the user has
not checked it as completed, reminding him that it needs to be done.

Making the task items date-specific is a useful feature, IMO.  But if it
is implemented that way, another useful feature would be the ability to
search for specific tasks or appointments.  Often times, I wonder when I
was supposed to get that thing done, and there's no way to find out except
to go to the date where it shows up, but I don't know what that date is.

Well I hope some of this made sense.  Thanks to the evolution team for
developing this server-backend calendar.  It is very much needed.
Brian T.N. Gunney
gunneybtn home com

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