RE: [HC Evolution] Re: libole2 -> gnomevfs backend?

To save you guys some time reading this msg, the bottom line is:
I'll be more than happy with whatever decision evolution developers make!

I would DEFINITELY go for ALL settings in the '.pst' file: it makes life
lot easier when moving the file around; it's a pain having to
screen layouts, rules and the like just because one forgot to copy
information buried somewhere else in the file system...

So don't scatter them all over the file system, keep them all in the
same directory, and keep nothing else in there.  Like ~/.gnome/ or
~/.netscape/ or ...

I'm talking about stuff that is done 'transparently' by Outlook (my current
email/contacts/whatever prog.): I don't have control of where it save some
stuff, even though most of it goes into my .pst. AFAIK, Outlook Express is
even worse: it only saves mail related information (i.e.: messages) in the
folder you specify and all other configuration is either buried in the 'ini
file from hell' or saved somewhere else under a subfolder of \windows. Quite
often I have to dig for that information on some users' computer's (I work
in a TI department and I have to update/fix a user's computer every now and
then, so I know it can be a real pain if everything is not kept in a single
As for me, I like to keep EVERYTHING I use on some subfolder under 'My
Documents' and that folder is usually on a different partition.

People who claim that moving directories is "too hard" or "too
dangerous" compared to moving files are talking out of their butts.
What's the *real* reason you care about this?  Because that's not it,
you're making that up.

I don't say it's harder to use a folder instead of a single file. Coming to
think of it, a folder with a few (and I mean FEW!) subfolders in it, would
not be that much more trouble than a single .pst... But, as long as
evolution works as good as it looks it is going to, I'll be more than happy
with whatever the developer's decision is: just remember that too many files
increase waste due to cluster/inode size...


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