Re: [Evolution] Problesm with threads

Yep, sorting doesn't work yet.  Not sure wha tthe first problem is, but
itsw possibly related to that.


I've just installed the latest rpms under my installation of Mandrake 7.0.
It all looks great but I'm experiencing problems with threading the
subjects. I'm getting mail from a copy of my internal UNIX mailbox so 
it's all pretty standard.

If I enable threading in the middle of an evolution session, then there
appears to be no reason for the grouping of messages (cirtainly not on
subjectx - re:subjectx). I've tried sorting the inbox on sender, subject
and date - in both accending and decending orders but it has no effect.

However, if I leave threading on, exit evolution and start it up again,
then the threading is all OK. That is until I resort on any of the above
or 'get mail' again. The the treading goes out of the window.

I may me slow and this may already be noted but just in case.......


evolution maillist  -  evolution helixcode com

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