Re: [HC Evolution] Holidays

One problem I see is that some holidays are set every year
based on legislation, rathe r than specific dates.

e.g. in Australia if the Queens Birthday falls on a Saturday,
they'll usually move the holiday to the previous Friday, or
following Monday.  But i'm not sure if there's any algorithm
that is always applicable.  i.e. it would probably need
tables maintained for every year.



Something I've missed in every electronic calender I've seen is
holidays. While
doing long term planning it's convenient to know the date of Easter and
holidays. I've thought about writing a program that would calculate all
for a year and download them to my Palm. And when I looked at the
screen shots I thought it would be great to have it in calendar part of
Evolution and then let gnome-pilot do the rest for me.
I've been looking at the Swedish holidays, and you only need a couple of
functions in a holiday-lib with file as input to figure
out all holidays in a year.

I don't know if other countries holidays are more complicated.
I don't think the holidays should be connected to the current language,
sometimes you might want to see several countries holidays in the same

Is this something that anybody else besides me would be interested in?


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