Re: [Evolution] Feadback on Evolution 0.8

On 17 Dec 2000 22:05:57 +0100, Jean-Michel Ardantz wrote:

I have installed Evolution 0.8 and it seems working fine (but not with
the default Bonobo RPMs from Helix ftp Site that was broken).

I have noticed some problems :
- Executive-summary is crashing when leaving Evolution.
- Spell check is not working (it was working in 0.5, and not in 0.6).
Maybe a packaging problem?

The build procedure for the packages required for the spell checking
code (pspell and aspell) is a bit screwy, and not easy to automate. The
gnome-spell component, which the gtkhtml editing component uses for
spell checking, can easily be added in an update.

We're planning on pushing that spell checking support ASAP, hopefully
this week before most of the packaging team goes on vacation.


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