[Evolution] Evolution 0.8 "Archaeopteryx" is out

The happy monkeys at Helix Code have just released Evolution 0.8, code
name "Archaeopteryx".

Evolution is the GNOME mailer, calendar, and addressbook application.

* Availability

        You can get the Evolution 0.8 tarball here:


        Evolution also requires Gal (0.4), GtkHTML (0.8), Bonobo
        (0.30), OAF (0.6), GNOME VFS (0.3), libunicode (0.4.gnome),
        GNOME Print (0.24) and ORBit (0.5.5).


        Helix GNOME users can also install the packages by the usual
        means, by using Helix Update (or apt-get on Debian).

* Changes since version 0.6


          - Added a `--no-splash' option.  (Ettore)
          - Plugged a number of memory leaks.  (Federico)
          - If a shell is already running, `evolution' will just make
            it create a new view instead of creating a new shell.
          - The folder tree now shows unread message counts for mail
            folders. For local folders, this updates in real time.
            For IMAP, it only updates when you "Get Mail".  To be
            continued.  (Dan, Ettore)
          - New "important" column in the message list.
            User-settable.  (Dan)
          - The message list "Size" column now displays more prettily
            and sorts correctly.  (Jeff)
          - New command to view the raw source to a message.  (Jeff)
          - More reliable MIME icon code in the mailer and the composer.
            (Dan, Iain)
          - Lots of internationalization fixes.  (Dan, Kjartan)
          Composer / Outgoing mail
          - Various fixes to use the best charset and MIME encoding
            for outgoing messages.  (Michael, Jeff)
          - You can now forward messages inline, instead of attaching
            them.  Forwarding multiple messages now results in a
            multipart/digest attachment.  (Jeff)
          - Replies are now preceded by "On DATE, PERSON wrote:"
          - HTML signature support.  (Radek)
          - Inline image support.  (Radek)
          - Fixes for addresses with commas.  (Jeff, Michael)
          - Fix to not allow attaching directories, devices, etc.
          - Fixed the sign of the GMT offset in generated Date
            headers.  (Michael)
          - Fixed a bug in base64 encoding.  (Michael)
          - Fixed a problem in connecting to non-ESMTP SMTP servers.
          Miscellaneous Commands / Features:
          - The mailer will now remember your passwords, if you
            configure that option for a service.  (Dan)
          - New "Apply Filters" command to apply filter rules to
            selected messages.  (Jeff)
          - No more "No new mail" dialog.  (Jeff)
          - Individual messages can now be saved to disk.  (Jeff)
          - Synced the Message menu with the right-click menu.  (Jeff)
          - Mailer now uses the same search bar as the addressbook.
            (Anna, Chris, Jeff)
          - Now supports filtering on system flags (ie Answered, Seen,
            Unseen).  (Jeff)
          - Regular expression searches are now moved to their own
            Option menu.  (Jeff)
          - Allows regex searching on the entire message header.
          - Now has soundex filters (x sounds like y).  (Jeff)
          - "Get Mail" now scans all folders.  (Dan)
          - IMAP password dialog no longer pops up at startup: click
            on the server in the folder tree to connect.  (Dan)
          - Folder subscription support.  (Chris Toshok, Dan)
          - Various IMAP folder naming fixes.  (May fix Cyrus support)
          - Seen/deleted flags are preserved across "Get Mail".
          - Fixed a bug that could cause messages to be marked as seen
            even when the UI thought they weren't.  (Dan)
          - Fixes for IMAP folders with spaces in their names (again).
          - IMAP Kerberos 4 authentication support.  (Dan)
          - Fixed a bunch of error cases in POP3 connection.  (Dan)
          - Fixed POP3 to more reliably delete messages when it was
            supposed to be doing so.  (Dan)
          Local mail:
          - Major local mail rewrite that fixed memory leaks, reduced
            memory consumption, improved efficiency, etc.  (Michael)
          - Maildir support.  (Michael)
          - Local mail folders are now locked (via dot locking and/or
            fcntl/flock) while Evolution is modifying them, and it
            will notice if they've changed while it's not
            looking.  (Michael)
          - To-do and calendar conduits working except for extended
            character support (ie accented chars) (JP)
          - Updated wombat implementation of change reporting (JP)
          - Majorly kick-ass new recurrence page in the event editor
            with an easy UI, a preview of what will happen, and lots
            of love.  (Anna)
          - Imported a new libical with the APIs we require for
            alarms, the start of the timezone code.  This may be the
            last Evolution release that uses a CVS-imported libical;
            in the future we should depend on official
            tarballs.  (Federico)
          - Event editor now deals gracefully with iCalendar
            recurrences we cannot edit.  (Federico)
          - Plenty of fixes to the ETable calendar model for the task
            list (Damon).
          - The task list now saves its state, selected columns and
            sort order (Damon).
          - Lots of love to the iTIP engine and user interface.
            Scheduling appointments via email should be working fine,
            and they should also work when you receive them.  (Jesse)
          - Lots of work on the calendar preferences code.  (Damon)
          - Many functional and cosmetic fixes to the day and week
            views.  (Damon)
          - Event and task editors now ask if you try to close them
            without saving changes.  (Damon)
          - You are now prompted if you are sure that you want to
            delete an appointment.  (Federico)
          - Plenty of memory leaks fixed.  (JP, Federico)
          - Prettified the event editor a bit by making widget
            spacings consistent.  (Federico)
          - Fixed semantics for handling exception dates (Federico)
          - Some fixes to the recurrence instance generation
            engine.  (Damon)
          - Fixed insertion of new objects via notification into the
            task list.  (JP, Federico)
          - Misc. polishing for the event editor's innards.  (Damon,
          - Misc. cruft removal from old Gnomecal code (Federico,
          - Prettier icons for the task list.  (Federico)
          - Addressbook conduit now working, experimentally, except
            for extended character support (ie accented chars).  (JP)
          - Extended wombat functionality with getChanges call.  (JP)
          - Full name and address dialogs in contact editor
            fixed.  (Chris)
        Executive Summary:
          - Now compiled by default.  (Iain)
          - Prettier default dialogs.  (Iain)
          - Customisable background.  (Iain)
          - RDF Summary, and Mail Summary components.  (Iain)
          - Fixes and optimisations.  (Iain)
          - Can restore state.  (Iain)


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