Re: [Evolution] evolution compile

On 15 Dec 2000 20:40:06 -0800, Matt Thoene wrote:
JP Rosevear wrote:

On 15 Dec 2000 18:06:08 -0800, Matt Thoene wrote:
Sorry if this is too base level.  Perhaps there's another evolution mail
list for this type of question?  At any rate, can someone in the know
take a look at this please?

I'm compiling the latest evolution from CVS...autogen worked and while
doing the make, I get this...

It appears as though your bonobo library is out of date.'s the latest pulled from CVS.  I guess I'll try again.

Make sure there are no other bonobo versions installed.  You may also
want to remove all the autogenerate stub, common and skel files so they
get rebuilt.


JP Rosevear                             jpr helixcode com
Helix Code Inc.               

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