[Evolution] a 'notes' feature for evolution

Evolution is a great program.  It looks like it is going to be part of many
very powerful groupware solutions.  As I see it Evolution needs a 'notes'

Recently I found a program called ThoughtTracker
(http://www.tu-ilmenau.de/~gomar/stuff/thoughttracker/).  ThoughtTracker is a very powerful knowlage
base application with a non-hierarchal format.  It allows bidirectional
links between notes and what it calles "hubs".

Currently ThoughtTracker is meant for a single user.  It uses GDBM for its
database support.  This keeps me from easly using the same knowlage space
at home and work.  The author says that he has thought of modifying it to be
used with sometype of external SQL database.  If this was done and support
for multiple users was added I think you would end up with a very powerful
groupware component.

If a group of people (like programmers, engineers or something) could
access the some knowlage space everyone could post their ideas and allow for
other people to comment and build on them.

Well, I think it could be useful.  I'm currious to hear what you think.

Adam Hunt
Digital Evolution

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