Re: [Evolution] (no subject)

Well, both. But I use IMAP, so maybe what happened was that someone
forgot to attach the callbacks to the message_changed signal in mbox or
something (for strike-through).

As far as new message counts changing, they do in mbox but not in IMAP


On 07 Dec 2000 05:34:42 +0000,  wrote:

This works for me...

Which one (or both)?  The line through e-mail most definitely
does not work for me.  I'm using anon CVS from tonight.

I'm not as sure about the second one.  Recently at least the
Folder and Shortcut status only seemed to change when moving
between folders, not when deleting, reading, or expunging mail.



On 07 Dec 2000 05:10:54 +0000,  wrote:
It would be nice if when you delete an e-mail, the line
would appear through it right after you hit Delete. 
Right now it doesn't appear until you move to a new

Also, the Folders and Shortcuts bars don't update very
often.  It would be nice if those updated whenever you
did something (i.e. as soon as you read an unread e-mail,
change the unread number in parentheses to reflect the


evolution maillist  -  evolution helixcode com

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