[Evolution] Continued problems with Helix installer...


I have had numerous problems with the Helix GNOME installer. I
was just barely able to get it installed on my laptop and my
main system at home. I am now trying to get it installed on my
workstations at my office and it consistently crashes with an
error about not being able to download 'imirrors.xml'. The
systems are x86 Celeron 433 systems with RH6.2. The crash occurs
at around the 22 or 23 package which is 'gnome-users-guide' and
one other package I forgot. I then get a nice segfault after the
above message and have to start all over again...yeah. Also, I
find that some mirrors sites are better than others in the sense
that one site is nearly flawless in downloading while another
crashes during downloads. Finally, I hate having to continuously
download the installer program after a segfault, how about
asking the user or something if they want the installer deleted?
Ok, I'm done griping now.


 Steven J. Hill - Embedded SW Engineer
 Public Key: 'finger sjhill mail cotw com'
 FPR1: E124 6E1C AF8E 7802 A815
 FPR2: 7D72 829C 3386 4C4A E17D

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