Re: [Evolution] Re: Message crashing evolution-mail

This appears to be happening to different pieces of mail in my Inbox
(new and old).  Each time I restart evolution, a different piece of mail
crashes evolution-mail (and the ones that previously crashed
evolution-mail no longer do).

Are you sure? There's another libjpeg bug (the error message involves
something about "scanlines") that crashes evolution when you _leave_
the message containing the offending jpeg. So it can seem like it
happens randomly, because it depends on the message you're leaving,
not the message you're entering.

That bug is fixed in the current CVS version of gdk-pixbuf, so
updating to that might fix your problem as well, There will hopefully
be a new gdk-pixbuf release Real Soon Now (HELLO FEDERICO!), so if
you'd rather wait for RPMs or whatever, they will be available

-- Dan

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