Re: [Evolution] more woes compiling bonobo from the 0.3 announcement page...

You were right, I didn't have gdk-pixbuf-devel installed. But installing it didn't help me, I think it's a 
problem between the rpm packages and the tar files, now it doesn't matter that much because I've got the rpm 
packages and they are working fine.

On Mon, Jul 31, 2000 at 08:58:35AM +0500, Peter Williams wrote:
I've also had problems compiling bonobo 0.16, but my problem concerns the gdk-pixbuf. Here is the error I 
got trying to configure bonobo:

checking for GDK_PIXBUF - version >= 0.6.0... no
*** The gdk-pixbuf-config script installed by GDK_PIXBUF could not be found
*** If GDK_PIXBUF was installed in PREFIX, make sure PREFIX/bin is in
*** your path, or set the GDK_PIXBUF_CONFIG environment variable to the
*** full path to gdk-pixbuf-config.
configure: error: Need gdk-pixbuf!

This is strange because my version of gdk-pixbuf is 0.8 (helix), and I couldn't figure out how to fix 

Do you have gdk-pixbuf-devel installed? If you can't type in
'gdk-pixbuf-config --help' at the prompt and get output, something
is messed up with your installation of gdk-pixbuf-devel --
try 'rpm -V gdk-pixbuf-devel'.

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