Re: [Evolution-hackers]

On Thu, 2009-07-23 at 06:15 -0600, P Chenthill wrote:
> We would still need to maintain the old data to know the history though
> they may become obsolete. Certainly a lot of things mentioned still hold
> true ;)

A compromise might be to only migrate the pages with current and
accurate information to l.g.o, and keep around as a
historical archive.  Archived pages brought back to life at a later date
could be migrated individually.  It -is- a wiki, after all.

Might be interesting to compile a list of pages we still maintain or
care about.  I have a few not listed on the front page (BugzillaTopics
and ReleaseHOWTO, for example).

Perhaps a bigger issue is converting the page markup.  I've noticed
syntactic differences between the two sites [1], but I don't even know
what wiki software the two sites are using.  Need to see if there's
markup migration scripts out there.

Matthew Barnes

[1]'s markup syntax seems way more expressive and is
    actually DOCUMENTED! (  Unlike
    our own. (  Not to mention
    the style sheets are prettier.

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