Re: [Evolution-hackers] Removal of implementation details from public API, any breakages?

On Mon, 2007-05-21 at 11:33 +0000, Srinivasa Ragavan wrote:
> >From the current discussion, it looks like we are safe. Can we do
> something like this for this release before we dung them out?
> #include <bonobo/bonobo-object.h>
> #endif

The patches consist of removing functions or headers from the install,
these cannot be deprecated because they are still used by EDS itself.

I don't think there needs to be any notice: the headers and functions
are implementation details of libebook and libecal, and are not possible
to use outside of the implementation of libebook/libecal.

Ross Burton                                 mail: ross burtonini com
                                          jabber: ross burtonini com
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