[evince] 'booklet' format

Now that I'm finally using Linux (Ubuntu) I can use open source software exclusively. That includes Evince. One thing that I came to use a lot when on Windows was the Adobe Acrobat Reader ability to print in 'booklet' format.

I am not advocating that that Linux software work like Windows software. However, printing in
'booklet' format can save a significant amount of paper (trees), as well as ink/toner.

Could the developers look into this, and post a idea of the possibility of adding this feature to Evince.

This letter was generated and sent from Thunderbird on Ubuntu Linux.

 Milton    | DDD  OOO N   N '' TTT   PPP  AAA N   N III CCC !
   Hubsher | D  D O O NN  N  '  T    P  P A A NN  N  I  C   !
           | D  D O O N N N     T    PPP  AAA N N N  I  C   !
           | D  D O O N  NN     T    P    A A N  NN  I  C
 (514)     | DDD  OOO N   N     T    P    A A N   N III CCC !
 738-1046  |==================================================
           | "Whatever you do will be insignificant, 
           | but it is very important that you do it."
    o      | -  attributed to Mahatma Gandhi
   /|\     |
   /\      | "First they ignore you. Then they ridicule you. 
  /_ \_    | And then they attack you and want to burn you. 
           | And then they build monuments to you."
           | - Nicholas Klein, 1914 (often attributed to Mahatma Gandhi)

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