Re: QA in evince

"Nickolay V. Shmyrev" <nshmyrev yandex ru> writes:
> There are modern techniques that allow developers to raise the  quality
> of software without end-user involvement. They are proper high-level
> software models specification and testing, code coverage testing, static
> and dynamic analysis, formal specification and so on. There are even
> free tools developed, like architecture description languages, static
> code analysers like JInt, FindBugs and splint. There are test coverage
> generators and testing frameworks. Of course they often relies on 
> high-level languages like Java and doesn't work so well with C, but they
> can be adopted to GNOME developement.

The problem with most of these systems is that evince (or any other
program displaying data) has often bugs like "$foo is not rendered
correctly". The definition of "rendering correctly" is the problem in
these cases - it's hard to come to a definition that actually works and
can be checked automatically.

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