Re: GUADEC Promotion

Hey Stathis, thanks for all the suggestions!

Efstathios Iosifidis <iefstathios gmail com> wrote:
If the schedule is out, someone can write a document with tweets-posts
of every presentation title, speaker #guadec14 (or the official
hashtag), #gnome

Won't this be a lot of tweets? We have around 36 talks confirmed, plus
keynotes. It could get a bit repetitive...

So write again short tweets for presentation title, speaker (you can
use his tweeter account as name), Live http://live_stream_url
#room_name, #guadec14, #gnome. Of course it'll be the right number of
characters. Check out the streaming urls when it starts, tweet it.

I doubt we'll have live streaming, tbh...

Also create a google plus event where everyone can upload pictures and
also a facebook event (pictures there as well). Tweets go there too.
try to use products, speakers as mentions.

Good idea. I'll add it to the list.

Finally, if someone uses lanyard (, create an event
there as well. Check out what I created for the past conf

I don't have experience with Lanyard, but I know it's popular. Anyone
want to take this on?

Try to have someone to each room that will tweet/post some key
sentences from the speech, and then the official account can retweet
and post it to other channels.

I like this idea, particularly because there's little organisational overhead.


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