Re: FOSDEM stand

Le 21/12/11 16:10, Tobias Mueller a écrit :
Hey folks,

On 02.12.2011 13:36, Olav Vitters wrote:
I'll check how to send the box to you.
It's rather easy. Update the address in the wiki:
<> and write to
admin collabora com 

It'd be awesome if the Box would arrive well in time so that the
contents can be double-checked, tested and refilled.

Bonus points if we can manage to check that we've got the following
items ready at the FOSDEM booth:
 * Posters and Flyers for the GUADEC
 * Looong power extension cords
 * Posters
 * Loudspeakers
 * Batteries for the wireless mouse/keyboard
 * Empty CD/DVDs for burning and booting a latest image

Lionel, Olav: Are you taking care about getting the Box to FOSDEM?

I take care of the box from my place to the FOSDEM place. If I need to
do something else, please be sure to check that with me first.


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