Re: [Ekiga-list] ekiga-list Digest, Vol 43, Issue 30

Hi Eugen,

In my investigations into problems with Ekiga, I have discovered something which may be helpful to other users who are having problems of registration: Ekiga on my box has been failing to register to, with the message "Unable to register, (globally unacceptable)", for some days now. But at the same time registering Ekiga Call-out with unfailingly. I imagined that this was due to the Ekiga Server being down, but I discovered today, from another PC, that the Server is functioning normally. So, I have been looking for the cause of non-registration on my PC. I finally found out that the problem is connected with the automatic configuration of the network connection, which Ekiga attempts to do, when iniciated. My Router has Symmetric NAT and I have had to forward the ports that Ekiga uses, to my new PC, in accordance with the wiki. When I iniciate Ekiga, it puts an error message in a pop-up window, saying that: " It is unable to configure it´s network connection automatically and I will have to do it manually, forwarding ports, etc." Having done that, I stopped the error message display  by Disabling Network Detection in Preferences>General Settings. It was this option which prevented registration to I have re-enabled Network Detection and Ekiga now makes this registration reliably and I can make private calls once again. But of course, I have to cancel the error pop-up window each time I open Ekiga.

I have not been successful in my attempts make a stack trace, bcause your commands in the wiki do not seem to work in Ubuntu. I am not command line literate, so I do not know how to modify them.

Thanks for all your help. Regards,  Ian Murdoch.

On Tue, Feb 23, 2010 at 3:33 PM, Ian Murdoch <ianyoli gmail com> wrote:
Eugen Dedu wrote:

Ekiga is compatible with 64 bits OSes.  So the only problem you have
(until now) is the crash/freeze when stopping a communication.  Indeed,
some people have this issue (see,
we have not yet fixed it.

If you wish, we can look if your problem is like theirs (while waiting
that the issue be fixed); for that, you need to follow the steps at

Best regards,
Eugen Dedu

Hi Eugen,

Thanks for your information. I have been looking at some of the bugs filed on this subject, at the address given and note that the main suspect in this problem is Pulse Audio. I also note that in the P.A. software in my O.S. there is a tool called PulseAudio Manager. Opening this tool, I discovered that in the first tab: "Server Information" there are buttons for the Connection  and Disconnection of the Server. When opened, I found it connected. So, I disconnected it and then went to test Ekiga again. I made the same tests as mentioned previously, but this time Ekiga did not crash when closing the calls! The Ekiga server still seems to be down, so Ekiga was unable to register to it and I could not try 500 ekiga net. I hope this is helpful to you.

I will try to get a stack trace of a crash, as you propose. If I am successful I will send it to you. Please understand that I am not experienced in these procedures.

Thanks again for your prompt reply. Best Regards,  Ian Murdoch.

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