Re: [Ekiga-list] [THANKS] ...... for a short test ?

Damien Sandras a écrit :

Anyway, I think my setup is not quite right either.
I tried with another ekiga user (Thanks, Jean-michel ;) )
and it was not working properly; it started fine but
the sound was becoming more and more choppy.
I am just wondering, i just have a 512k broadband connection,
what codecs should i use if i want to have an acceptable
quality for the sound? (the video was quite good, by the way )

Perhaps the video eats too much bandwidth. Is the quality better when
you disable video ?

I didn't really try...
In the video codecs settings, I set the maximum  bandwith to 6 ko/s,
maybe it's too high?
I'm going to try this morning with the test 500 ekiga net

 _Unix IS user friendly, it is just selective about who his friends are

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