[Ekiga-devel-list] installing ptlib/opal/ekiga on another netbook


After compiling ptlib/opal/ekiga on FreeBSD 10-CURRENT on my normal
laptop, I wanted to move it to my tiny EeePC 900 netbook running the
same system (identical kernel and application ports version). I did not
wanted to re-compile it on the EeePC (because its much slower and has
not all required development tools installed); that's why I run "gmake"
in the ptlib/opal/ekiga as described in the Wiki for the source trees
from SVN or git, and after that I copied the trees over to the EeePC
with "scp -rpq opal ptlib ekiga ..." with the idea to run 
"gmake install" there; this idea failed mostly for two reasons:

1. after ./configure (in ptlib) and ./autogen.sh (in ekiga) in the
generated Makefiles are FQN of the working dir and as the $HOME on both
systems have been different, the installation failed; workaround: sym
link so that $HOME on the EeePC was identically;

2. after successful installation of ptlib and opal, in ekiga the 
"gmake install" re-compiled all again (as I said, the tree was already
compiled fine and ready for install); I think the reason is, that
certain header files of ptlib(...) have had now a newer date than the
compiled targets in ekiga; with a bit of luck and after waiting some
time, the compilation was successful, at the end;

I think, what is missing in ekiga is something like "gmake distrib"
which should make a tar archive with full qualified names to be
installed on another (identical) system. What you think?



Sent from my FreeBSD netbook

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