[Ekiga-devel-list] Minor patch, s/gnomemeeting/ekiga + formatting

--- Coding_Policy	2009-01-07 11:02:12.000000000 +0100
+++ Coding_Policy-ok	2009-02-26 22:53:27.000000000 +0100
@@ -1,11 +1,19 @@
-Developers :
-- Please keep the current coding style in GnomeMeeting and put comments.
-Functions descriptions should have 3 fields. DESCRIPTION, BEHAVIOR and PRE.
-PRE means the set of conditions on the parameters to be sure that the 
-function works.
-- About gconf: All notifiers and all gconf_client_notify_add must be in
-confing.cpp. The callback that updates the gconf cache must be located
-in the file containing the widget associated to the callback. Some general
-callbacks for toggles, entries, option menus are located in gconf.cpp.
-- Options: GnomeMeeting follows the "Instant Apply" model.
-- The way to include things is the following: include the GnomeMeeting headers before the others. All the .h files should contain #include "common.h" as first include because it will itself include a ptlib file containing compilation flags required to have a well-working GnomeMeeting. The .h corresponding to the .cpp file must be included before the other includes. Libraries headers includes must follow the application headers includes. ../config.h must be included before the rest in all .cpp files.
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+- Please keep the current coding style in Ekiga and put comments.
+  Functions descriptions should have 3 fields: DESCRIPTION, BEHAVIOR
+  and PRE.  PRE means the set of conditions on the parameters to be
+  sure that the function works.
+- About gconf: All notifiers and all gconf_client_notify_add must be
+  in config.cpp.  The callback that updates the gconf cache must be
+  located in the file containing the widget associated to the
+  callback.  Some general callbacks for toggles, entries, option menus
+  are located in gconf.cpp.
+- Options: Ekiga follows the "Instant Apply" model.
+- The way to include things is the following: include the Ekiga
+  headers before the others.  All the .h files should contain #include
+  "common.h" as first include because it will itself include a ptlib
+  file containing compilation flags required to have a well-working
+  Ekiga.  The .h corresponding to the .cpp file must be included
+  before the other includes.  Libraries headers includes must follow
+  the application headers includes.  ../config.h must be included
+  before the rest in all .cpp files.
\ No newline at end of file

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