Re: [Ekiga-devel-list] Need help to setup a test system

Damien Sandras a écrit :
Le lundi 28 juillet 2008 à 21:41 +0200, Julien Puydt a écrit :

I would need a way to setup ekiga with something in front of it, which will send presence/status information on a pretty high rate.

The goal is to trigger the crash in sigc::trackable much, much more easily, to kill it.

I was thinking a pseudo-server could do the trick (ie: a false server which would say ok to the registration, then pour presence/status data to ekiga.

How hard is it to make? Do you have other ideas?

Use sipp :

Very good tool for that purpose.

I tried the following :
sipp -sn uas -aa

Setup ekiga to connect to a SIP account with :
- registrar : localhost
- user : jpuydt
- auth user : jpuydt
- password : jpuydt
- timeout : 3600

I couldn't get auth to work ; the next step will then be to inject presence packets.


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