Re: [Easytag-mailing] [easytag 2.1.5] does not compile (iwht gcc 4.3)

Thu, 22 May 2008 12:51:10 +0200, solsTiCe d'Hiver
<solstice dhiver gmail com> :

> i guess it's because of g++ 4.3 that's more strict for header
> declaration. i have the same kind of issue with other software.
I compiled Easytag 2.1.5 with GCC 4.3 without any problems but I'm
using taglib not id3lib.

If the problem is GCC 4.3 related, it should probably be an issue about
id3lib (as the error message indicates). There are no new releases of
id3lib for sometime now. Have you patched your id3lib for GCC 4.3?



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