Re: New desktop-file-utils release

On Tue, 2007-06-05 at 10:13 +0200, Vincent Untz wrote:

> > Who rewrote it, and why was a rewrite necessary ?
> I did, because the code was using GnomeDesktopItem, which is not
> actively maintained anymore and which accepts files that are not valid.
> The last point is okay for users of GnomeDesktopItem, but not for a
> validator which should be strict.
> Also, the new validator does more checks than the old one, warns you
> about usage of deprecated keys, and it's quite easier to add checks for
> new keys.
> Eg, with my current /usr/share/applications:
>  + old desktop-file-validate outputs 31 errors (some errors are wrong,
>    like requiring the Encoding key) and 80 warnings (most of
>    the warning are about usage of the Application category)
>  + new desktop-file-validate outputs 72 errors, 8 warnings and 239
>    warnings about usage of deprecated things
> Note that it didn't start as a rewrite: I first started updating the
> validator to the latest version of the spec, and adding warnings about
> usage of deprecated keys. But those changes, and the port away from
> GnomeDesktopItem, resulted in new internals for the validator.

Sounds good then; we'll give it a go in rawhide, i guess.

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