Re: Additional ext_attributes

At 03.12.2008 20:35, Meik Wusterhausen wrote:
Hi, I would like to add some more ext_attributes which make it possible
to build xml information dialogues similar to the uml-shape preferences.
If you are talking of something like the UML-Class you'll be out of luck for three reasons:
 - most UML shapes are implemented as C-Objects
 - ext_attribute only applies to custom properties (XML-Objects)
 - only simple types are supported with ext_attribute

Where can I find the sourcecode lines containing the description of the
by-now implemented ext_attributes. I would like to extend them. Thanks
for your help!

grep ext_attribute shapes/*/*.shape

shapes/Circuit/hresistor.shape:  <ext_attributes>
 <ext_attribute name="id" description="Circuit ID" type="string"/>
 <ext_attribute name="ohms" description=" Resistance (ohms)" type="int"/>
 <ext_attribute name="power" description="Power
  dissipation (W)" type="real"/>
  <ext_attribute name="smd" description="SMD package" type="bool"/>
shapes/Circuit/hresistor.shape:  </ext_attributes>

-------- Hans "at" Breuer "dot" Org -----------
Tell me what you need, and I'll tell you how to
get along without it.                -- Dilbert

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