Re: midpoints and connectors

On Wed, 2005-04-20 at 22:19 +0200, an unknown sender wrote:
one question about lines that point toward to midpoints,
but end at the edge. If I understnad the issue: lines coneected
to midpoints behave like those in RationalRose ( the hope you
experienced it).
(A nice feature like that could be useful when I apply the layout
calculated by GraphWiz "importing" it in my diagrams)

Haven't tried RR, so I don't know if that's the case.

first question: I'm using dia 0.94, but lines dont't end at the edge
(I tryed with Assorted shapes). Am I missing something?

Yes, you're missing the newest CVS version.  It's not completely
finished there, either, the Arc connector doesn't support it, and most
shapes don't.

Maybe I can find the feature in the latest sources?
In this case I'm in trouble because I can't find and the
other stuff required to configure and make the binaries.

You'll need to run first.


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