Re: Question about PNGs in a new shape set

On Thu, 14 Apr 2005 anthonym overture com wrote:

  About a year ago, I created a shape set for drawing BPMN diagrams
(  I used it for a while and have had several
people emailing me asking for it, so I thought I'd submit a patch
to have it included in the core dia.

Forgot to thank you for your generousity, so thanks.  :)

Modeling Notation (BPMN).  I'm thinking it would be best to label the
sheet "Business" and only create a subsheet with the acronym BPNM later if
we need to distinguish it from some other types of business diagrams.

Please do attach them to a bug report.  I'd also be interested to see a
sample diagram (screenshot, png format preferably).

Using google I found this screenshot of BPMN

Okay, I did a quick sample of
and you can see it here  This
needs dia 0.94 in order to get backslash arrows and rounded corner

Looks good, no I take that back it looks great.  In a way it is almost
recognisably "made in Dia", as we seem to use a fairly heavy lineweight
and produce larger diagrams.

If you can provide the necessary makefiles and other work to make your
shape set translatable that will help speed things along too.  Grab a
source code tarball and take a look at you the other sheets are done to
see what I mean.

I'll get to this over the next few days.  If you want to poke at the shape
set before I get this done, I have a tar here

Lars provided a line of sed scripting which I found very helpful in
streamlining the taks, I'll try and post it if I can find it again.

All the icons that have something inside a circle look pretty good and
I'd add them as is and improve them later if you really want.

I'd be tempted to cheat and make the rectangular objects a bit more
abstract and informative at the expense of not exactly matching the
proportion of the shapes when used.

Some of the simpler icons could be improved relatively quickly by indexing
the colour and sharpening the grey to black.

(I'm thinking antialiasing might have an effect on PNG out put but I'm
not so sure)

  The question I have with this is, how do I get my PNGs to look
as nice as those in the other shape sets?

Tedious and meticulous hand editing.
I used the exported screenshtos only as a guide and essentially redrew
them one pixel at a time (using MSPaint of all things, only using other
software for the PNG conversion and addition of transparency).

Hmm, I'll have to look around for some tools, I did notice gnome-iconedit
which might allow me to touch them up.

Last I checked no one was maintaining gnome-iconedit and it never got
ported to GTK2 (I was tempted to give it a try at one point but never
did).  There is always the obvious choice if you need an "Image
Manipulation Program" but I've never particularly liked using it for pixel
by pixel editing.  I've found some of the graphics tools in KDE aren't
half bad for this sort of thing.

Thanks for the quick feedback.

I try to provide the speedy responses, Lars and Hans provide the more
detailed technical repsonses.  I think we have a good system going :)


Alan Horkan

Open Clip Art

Alan's Diary

P.S. Checked and you do work for the same Overture I was
thinking of.

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