Re: dia 0.94 Win32, Save failed

On Tue, 16 Nov 2004, Tor Lillqvist wrote:

Juergen Zimmermann writes:
 > But I'm confused. Why can I save a dia-file with "File - Save As" in
 > a path with non-ASCII characters, but not with "File - Save"??

A bug in Dia?

Definitely. I experience the same problem on Win XP, and by setting a
breakpoint in diagram_save it is easy to see that when File - Save As is
selected the file name is in local encoding while when selecting File -
Save the file name is in UTF-8. This is because File - Save uses the file
name stored by diagram_set_filename, and that function does a
g_filename_to_utf8 before storing it. file_save_callback just passes
diagram->filename to diagram_save without converting back from UTF-8.

Bug 158381 seems to be about the same problem.


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