Re: pretty export xml

On 3 Jul 2003, Philippe Faes wrote:

Date: 03 Jul 2003 09:07:51 +0200
From: Philippe Faes <Philippe Faes UGent be>
Reply-To: dia-list gnome org
To: dia-list <dia-list gnome org>
Subject: pretty export xml

How can I make Dia export human-readable XML? I know how to set it so
that it doesn't compress the files, but all the data is in one line (no
'\n' characters, no indentation). I remember dia used to save its files
"nicer". Maybe this should be the default. I don't thing we save a lot
of disk space by leaving these TAB and EOL characters out.

I was under the impression that it had been turned back on by default in
more recent versions.  If it is not then it definately should be (patch
welcome).  Better to fix problems than to work around them.

The pretty formatting was very useful for people who are not using
compression and essential for some Dia users who actually store Dia files
in CVS (and even if people are using compression they might want to
decompress and edit their files later).


Alan Horkan

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