Re: Compiling the CVS Tree

On Mon, 30 Dec 2002, Hans Breuer wrote:
At 04:57 29.12.02 -0600, Lars Clausen wrote:
Nope. The FREETYPE code is using this factor _twice_ which IMO is 
questionable. The one definition as constant like the comment says
is ok, but just using it a second time as in

    height *= global_size_one;
#elif defined G_OS_WIN32
    height *= 0.7;

appears to be wrong. It would be nice to know if changing only
the second appearence to 1.0 would solve the 'huge fonts problem'.

With a recent enough Pango, the Unix side works with height *= 1.0, and
global_size_one = 20 (the global zoom factor).  That even makes sense.  The
global_size_one (renamed global_zoom_factor to reduce confusion) is now
only used relative to an actual zoom factor.

Using 1.0 actually does make the fonts a little too large, lines can
overlap each other.  0.7 does look better.  

  It maybe be possible to get on the correct factor with the attached
test program. Or after looking at it's output on my notebook maybe 
not :-(

Screensize is 800x572 pixels  211x158 mm
Resolution 96x91 dpi
Pixels per cm : 37.9 x 36.2
Dia's magic font factor should be 0.527500(w) or 0.552448(h)

The best working factor for win32 is between 0.7 .. 0.71 which
could be :
      - 72 dpi / 96 dpi
      - 20 / 28.35
      - something completely different

It's worrisome to have a strange factor like that.


Lars Clausen (| Hårdgrim of Numenor
"I do not agree with a word that you say, but I   |----------------------------
will defend to the death your right to say it."   | Where are we going, and
    --Evelyn Beatrice Hall paraphrasing Voltaire  | what's with the handbasket?

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