Re: Drawing instead of Untitled

On Mon, 13 Jan 2003, Philippe Faes wrote:

Date: Mon, 13 Jan 2003 22:47:10 +0100
From: Philippe Faes <Philippe Faes rug ac be>
Reply-To: dia-list gnome org
To: dia-list gnome org
Subject: Re: Drawing instead of Untitled

On Monday 13 January 2003 21:53, Alan Horkan wrote:
I think in the Save dialog we should prompt with the name Drawing %d
rather than Untitled.

How about "Drawing%d.dia" or "Diagram%d.dia"? That way you get the extention

I dont like the sound of Diagram1.dia, the way the syllables repeat.

right at once. I've noticed that Gnumeric, another Gnome program that uses a
compressed xml-based file type, saves as "Book%d.gnumeric" by default.

I dont use the compression on my dia files.
Maybe i would if i could setup gedit to open and close .dia files without
my needing to zip and unzip them every time i might use it but i edit the
XML often enough and have enough hard disk space not to worry about
compression of a single file.
If the compression was holding together a whole bunch of sheets and images
in an archive that would be different but even then you can tar without
gzipping and you can zip without actually using any compression.  (in fact
in zip you can do cools stuff like have an uncompressed index at the head
of the file but fully compress the rest of the archive).

I dont want to argue about the merits of compressing a file format, but i
like having the option not to do so.  The vast scope and detial of the file format is something to be seen and manages to keep
so many differnt options open.

I dont know Gnumeric enough to make a fair comment on it but if i have
time I expect i will be filing upwards of 10 usability bug reports on it.

(although the suffix is added automatically; the user doesn't need to type

The suffix is added automatically at the next stage and it would have been
a more complicated patch to change it and make sure i did not break

At least now i know that no one has any fundamental objections to the name
change.  I am not particularly concerned if the diffent languages use a
differnt more appropriate label (but i will definately need to make sure
the English locales match).


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