Re: Mac OS/X

Scott Harrison wrote:

Dear All,

I have browsed the web and the documentation for this question,
yet I cannot seem to find any details about Dia and Mac OS/X.

Since Dia can compile on BSDish systems... is Mac OS/X possible
for Dia?

Is there a binary or general instructions that has a chance
of working on Mac OS/X?

(Sorry if this question has been asked before.)


Scott Harrison, harris41 msu edu

You need to install X11 for the MAC and install all libraries
associated with Dia like GTK, python and others if they are
not already installed. I personally don't own a MAC but
have a friend who does and he has managed to get both
Gnome and KDE apps working including the panels for the
desktops. Check the ports collection for the MAC for X11.


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