Re: dia to sql and back

On Tue, 2003-04-01 at 07:22, Aaron Trevena wrote:
Sorry I don't use E-R diagrams, I (and pretty much every programmer I know
who deals with database schemas) uses a variation of the class diagram.


that sounds like a concensus ;)

Although, just to maximise confusion, I call it an ER Diagram when in
fact it's a UML diagram. So engrained is this that when I first pulled
up the ER shapeset in Dia, I thought someone had made a mistake (and I
didn't think it was me).

The problem has entered a new domain: the inability of Dia's UML
shapeset to express what DBAs want to express.

indeed, but I'm not sure want I want, something very similar to the UML
Class would be nice, but with extra database bits for things like
constraints, and less non-db fields - fields for uniqueness would be good.

A short re-working of the UML class would be fine.

Sort of. In Dia-speak it means we need to learn StdProps and rework the
UML shapes from there. And the resultant abomination should of course
not be called "UML" at all, but maybe something like "Database
Diagramming" -- something that implies class-like ER diagrams. This has
been on my to-do list for... months.

Do any of the other dba's here have any views on how to use class
shapes to represent tables in dia?

There was a short but healthy discussion on tedia2sql mailing list:

It's also not clear how to include say a list of default rows for tables
(a very useful construct which even most commercial products don't seem
to include), so I use... I can't even remember which UML object, to
represent that.

that sounds interesting - care to give a more verbose explaination ? -- Search for UML

umm.. probably the next release, I'll download tedia and have poke about
in it. I like the idea of merging the projects, I have already sucked
GraphViz::DBI and one of the sql2dia perl scripts into the project, both
were totally refactored to fit into autodia.

I've made some changes to Autodia to import "char" value types and to
keep the "(32)" bit afterward. It used to be:

"column    type (111) not null ,"

got turned into

"column    type" but I wanted to keep all the rest of the info for when
it came time to generate a new SQL script.

Is there an Autodia mailing list? Come to think of it, from your
homepage's sparsity (including 404 errors on INSTALL and FAQ etc) we
might merge the projects and host them on, since it's got
nice CVS, mailing lists, and project control. I've been very happy with as a host for my project.

Tim Ellis
Senior Database Architect and author, tedia2sql (
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