Re: a future Dia package for geometrically precise mathematical figures?

that would be a must for a powerful math graphics tool. If I am going to
play with the code, is it ok if I use the latest Darwin port
(0.88.1-2, obtained through the Fink repository)?

In an effort to promote togetherness and a more unified coherent feeling
to Dia i would like to change the download
page so that it shows:

Linux binaries
Windows binaries (or the last avialable ones)
Darwin binaries
and any other binaries
(older binaries getting bumped to a differnt page)

I had no idea Dia even had a Darwin port.
Portability is a great feature and one that Dia could make a bigger deal
about, it makes people feel fare more secure that the project will survive
and be avialable and developed for whatever the next generation platform
turns out to be in 5 years time.

I will file a bug report and try and put together a page.


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