Re: transparent layer?

Lars just beat me to it,
i have started writing so i will finish...

On Wed, 16 Oct 2002, Luis A Escobar wrote:

I am new to Dia. I have three questions

  1) Other than the documentation included in the distribution
  is there a book with example to learn to use the system?

There is the FAQ web pages, the gnome documentation, and a PDF file that
gets included with the windows distribution which is the Gnome
Documentation agian (i only skim read it).

Someone recently started a Wiki (online colloborative encyclopedia type
thingey in case you are unfamiliar with wiki).
I dont know the link, so please try searching the archive or perhaps
someone else will get back to you, or if you are lucky a link to it has
been added some where on the site.

"Grokking Dia" does not have quite the same ring to it.
Suggestions on a postcart to ...

  2) Does anybody know of a site where I can see Dia used
      to illustrate set operations (unions, intercepts, complements, etc)?

What exactly do you mean?

Do you mean pictures simply explaning set operations for people learning
mathematics or Dia actually performing the operations and giving you lots
of little pieces?

I just happened to have documented this kind of "set operation"
functionality from Visio as someone mentioned it recently.

and seeing as Lars answered before i did i went off and filed it instead
of rambling on in an email.

  3)  I want to overlap two elipses and see the hidden boundary of the
       ellipse that is on the bottom. What is the process to get it done?
       Some kind of transparent layer?

Turn off "Fill"
Partial Transparencey or Alpha Channels would be cool,
Gobe Productive does it.

       I have overlapped the elipses but I can't see the boundary of the
       one at the bottom.


Alan Horkan

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