Re: UML module hackery

Le Mon, Nov 11, 2002, à 08:06:06AM -0600, Lars Clausen a écrit:

Again, it's important that you work against CVS head.  There will be a new
release as soon as we have the GTK 2.0 stuff in a state we like (for me,
that's mostly the font stuff, I don't know how strongly Cyrille feels about
getting the input methods ready for that release).

Last I checked, they were in a reasonably well working state. Probably not
perfect (there are plenty of hooks for close interaction between the
application an complex IMs, which we don't use. I think this mostly affects
languages with complex ligature and letter form rules, ie Arabic, Devanagri
or Thai; languages which we never supported, and for which there is now at
least some bare level of functionality, when we release that is), but
already good enough to consider dia's language support much broadened
compared to 0.90.

(unless there was somme feedback on IMs I missed, which is quite possible.
I've had quite a huge percentage of packet loss recently)

        -- Cyrille

30-10 !

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