Re: UML module hackery

On Sun, 10 Nov 2002, David Hickerson wrote:
I have done enough class diagrams in Rat Rose to hate the way they do
lines, and I am sure that
everyone has opinion one way or the other. I suggest the API
programmer's approach: "Extend
do not change". Make it an option of the line to behave either way or
make additional new lines.

I'd like to hear what is considered better with the 'middle' connection.
If it's the ease of connecting to the object, we could have it snap to the
nearest connection point.  If it's about the limited number of connection
points, that's more tricky.  I think the first is a more valid concern --
not having to find a connection point would be great, interface-wise.

There is definely one improvement needed for lines. And that is the
arrow head needs to also be
manully rotatable. Having the line horizontal and the arrow head
vertical when connected to a
class because the line is pixel hair off the point of connection is
pain. Give me a control point for
the rotation of the arrow head.

Before we go in and add more control points, let's consider when it is
really necessary.  One change that's started is to have zig-zag lines be
more intelligent about their orientation.  It hasn't propagated beyond the
standard zigzagline and box yet, and only works at creation (though I have
a way to have it work for later, too).  It makes sure that the arrow points
into the object, instead of being placed on the line of the object.  The
only case where you could get a funny angled arrow is at a corner
connection point.  Try it out and see if you still feel that arrow handles
are necessary.

And I total agree about the labels. Moble like on the interface shape.

As I said in the other reply, doing this is easy, but takes some work.


Lars Clausen (| Hårdgrim of Numenor
"I do not agree with a word that you say, but I   |----------------------------
will defend to the death your right to say it."   | Where are we going, and
    --Evelyn Beatrice Hall paraphrasing Voltaire  | what's with the handbasket?

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