Re: C vs. C++: Deeper thoughts (Was: UrShape XML parser)

Okay, this seems to have gotten kind of disjointed; let me try to reiterate why I was pushing for the particular features and implementation I described earlier, and respond to some of the posts made over the weekend.

1. I have to agree with the crowd that is resisting the use of C++. I'm an OO guy all the way when it's feasible, but it's just not a good fit here. Why? Because in order for us to include even a single module written in C++ in Dia, we have to maintain *two* seperate bodies of code: the C++ 'UrShape' implementation, and it's 'glue code' to link it to the Dia core. Every improvement made to either our stuff or the core will have to be supported in multiple places, rather than simply updating a few lines of C, and we lose the portability and compatibility that C gives us. (Truth be told, I'd rather have a core in C, with code in Python handling most of the high-level functionality, but that's another project.)

2. The issue that I haven't seen anyone here bring up about XML Schemas, which is why I recommended using a small portion of them in the first place, is the support for primitive datatypes such as integers and floats (see, the 'datatypes' part of the spec). I wouldn't begin to suggest that we support the full breadth of the XML Schema spec for actual structure definition -- it's too big, and much more like UML-in-XML than a simple document validation tool. Our shapes will be simple, weakly-hierarchical objects with very little need for a powerful datatype definition syntax, or most of the other cruft that comes along with schemas.

3. Here's what I want to 'borrow' from the DOM:
a. Simple, event/listener-based runtime binding of shapes on the canvas to C or Python code that gives them more complex behavior b. A consistent API for manipulation and acquisition of shapes, to allow generic handlers to determine their properties c. Support for arbitrary simple properties that are *not* part of the SVG/visual attributes, and may or may not be displayed in the property editor d. A simple interface to this internal 'mini-DOM' that can be used to create intuitive, flexible scripting language bindings

What I *don't* want from the DOM is the full, unweildly set of IDL-based interfaces, or the strings-and-nodes-only datatyping conventions of the core. Unfortunately, the existing libxml-based DOM implementation is mostly that, so we may be stuck 'rolling our own'.

4. As to using DOM or SAX to parse the XML, I really don't care; I usually use the DOM, but I'm usually coding in Java or Python, where it's a much better fit with the language. In C, using the libxml SAX interface (or even Expat, for that matter) seems to work just as well. I'm not worried about performance on this since you only load or save the file once in a blue moon compared to, say, moving an object on the canvas.

Sorry to keep posting these manifestos; after this, aside from answering direct questions, I'm going to try to avoid cluttering the list until I have some code to show for all my big talk. (And of course, if that never happens, then obviously you should have been ignoring me anyway ;)

Lennon Day-Reynolds
Software Engineer
Kestrel Institute

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