Re: Git: Do not use http to access Git!

On Thu, 2011-02-17 at 14:04 +0100, Olav Vitters wrote:
> > If this is the case, git being awesome as it is, perhaps someone could
> > set up a remote that offers http cloning that updates once a day or so.
> > This would let people clone a repo, and still submit their work via
> > format-patch etc.
> I've noticed the following after sending the initial mail:
> Basically: If the client has git 1.6.6+, there is a possibility to be as
> (almost as?) efficient as the git protocol using http. I've reconfigured
> all git repos to have:
>   http.getanyfile false
>   http.receivepack false
> Meaning: Only want efficient Git.
> My intend is to allow the git 1.6.6+ method, and explicitly disallow the
> previous method.
> This requires some sysadmin work to setup (newer git, newer cgit, etc).
> Doing that atm, not sure when I'll finish.

Thanks! A number of colleges here in India block access to all ports and
allow HTTP over a proxy, so that's a whole bunch of people who will
benefit from this.


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